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Rusk Rural Water Supply Corp.

P.O. Box 606   

Rusk, Texas 75785

Phone 903-683-6178   Fax 903-683-1096

payments with Credit Card/Debit Card Online: www.ruskruralwsc.com

Phone payments: 903-683-0201



March 12,2025

Beginning in June 2025 Rusk Rural WSC will NO LONGER BE MAILING OUT 2ND NOTICES. Bills are mailed out on or before the 1st of every month and will be due on the due date. Customers are encouraged to call the office if bill is not received. Non-Receipt of bill is no excuse for non- payment. Meter’s will be locked for non-payment if payment is not received by the 25th of the month.

Thank You

Rusk Rural WSC